So it’s February again! Do you guys know what that means? It means my husband has to buy me the latest Kim Harrison novel for my birthday! White Witch, Black Curse is due to be released on February 24th, 2009, just 4 days before I turn … erm .. a number that’s just a wee bit higher than 21 years of age on the 28th. The husband, of course, is convinced that Kim and I have some sort of conspiracy that causes her books to be released just a few days before my natal day, so that he can conveniently purchase them as gifts. (Would that it were so…)
In honor of this wonderful day – not to mention the book release! – I’d like to point you toward the sneak peek released today by Harper Collins. You can read the first two chapters of White Witch, Black Curse here.
Now, I have to admit that I haven’t read them yet. Mostly because reading the first two chapters and then having to wait another week for the release date is just too much of an agony. If you’re like me, you can just go ahead and pre-order the book instead.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about … What are you waiting for?! Here’s the “blurb” for White Witch, Black Curse:
Some wounds take time to heal . . . and some scars never fade.
Rachel Morgan, kick-ass witch and bounty hunter, has taken her fair share of hits, and has broken lines she swore she would never cross. But when her lover was murdered, it left a deeper wound than Rachel ever imagined, and now she won’t rest until his death is solved . . . and avenged. Whatever the cost.
Yet the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and when a new predator moves to the apex of the Inderlander food chain, Rachel’s past comes back to haunt her.
So what are you still doing here? Go read, order, or check out Kim’s site for yourself! You won’t regret it. Also stay tuned for some more Hollows-themed fun right here at WFF in the near future!
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