Finally, in this volume, we get all the gory details of how Valdemar was gifted with their mythical Companions. I won’t spoil it for you, especially not with how long it’s been since this series started. The infant kingdom of Valdemar is led by a good man, but he is still just a man, as…
Author: Kiara
Review: Uncanny Vows by Laura Anne Gilman
I love this series. I love the Harker siblings. I especially love Botheration, our lovable Hellhound companion. This second volume is filled to the brim with a low-level anxiety that is the result of the complications the siblings encountered in the first book. They’re keeping an apocalyptic level secret, even from their own superiors. Everyone…
Review: Anything with Nothing – Edited by Mercedes Lackey
While I admire Lackey’s willingness to let others play in her sandbox, I have to say that I prefer the original. These stories of inconsequential characters from throughout the universe of Valdemar are smaller stories that don’t impact any of the main story lines or any of the main characters we have met before. That…
Review: Wings Once Cursed & Bound by Piper J Drake
This book wasn’t at all what I expected, based on the title and the cover. I expected it to be high fantasy steeped in Thai mythology. Instead, this book is set in Seattle — I know, I know, it’s on the back cover, but I received an ARC and the back cover copy wasn’t available…
Review: Godkiller by Hannah Kaner
This book was released a couple of weeks ago, which is lucky for you because you’ll be able to run – not walk – to your local book shop and get this book. And you should, because this one is probably my favorite new author that I’ve read this year. Considering the fact that I…