Like Fantasy? Like Steampunk? Then I have some good news for you. has announced the creation of two “satellite sites” exclusively for sharing some of the best content found around the ‘net in the fantasy and steampunk genres. Basically, these are Facebook “fan” pages and accompanying Twitter streams.
Would you care to meet these two cute li’l additions to the Tor family? I knew you would.
Meet @TordotFantasy. She’s the eldest by two minutes*. She likes dragons and swords and kicking major evil booty. I think you should meet her.
Don’t forget @TorSteampunk, either. She enjoys gears and goggles, bustles and dirigibles. Give her a call.
*Note: This is completely untrue. I made that up just now. I have no idea which idea came first – but it’s an interesting thing to speculate, right? Kind of like the chicken and the egg!
Pick your poison: Click the links in the text to go to the Twitter pages and the images if you’d rather go to Facebook.
What else has got going on? Well – they’re holding a series of Countdown to the Winter Solstice Giveaways. Click the link to find out more information and get in on the winning.
And since Stubby the Rocket (Tor’s mascot/logo) is traveling full-speed ahead into holiday swing, you might just want to keep your eyes peeled for more wacky goodness from our friends at
In other news – stay tuned here at Waiting for Fairies for an upcoming review of the new NookColor from Barnes & Noble!