It’s October. You know what that means, right?
We’ve got less than a month left until November 1st and the start of National Novel Writing Month – lovingly called “NaNoWriMo” by those of us crazy enough to participate!
What does this mean?
It means I, and a few thousand of my closest friends, will be using every spare moment this November to type, scribble, scrawl or hunt ‘n peck 50,000 words of a brand new novel.
It also means that such things as laundry, dishes, holiday shopping and showers will all be forgotten in the mad rush to complete a novel and reach our goal in those short (and if you’ve never tried to write 50,000 words in a month, you don’t know how short) 30 days.
So if you have a friend, a roommate, a daughter, sister, son, brother, uncle, cousin, spouse who is participating in NaNoWriMo this year, do us all and especially them a favor and give your hope, your support, your good wishes to them this November. We’ll need it. And we also wouldn’t mind if you came over with some dinner, either. Just don’t expect us to be able to talk and scribble at the same time.
This year, I’m planning to up the stakes even more. This is my seventh NaNo’ing year, and I had this whim that perhaps working full time AND writing a 50k novel in 30 days wasn’t quite enough pressure. (HA!) So I’ve also opened a NaNo fund-raising page over at the NaNo-recommended Gift Tool site. I’ve only put in a goal of $100. I don’t know if I can manage it, but I think together we can.
If you’d like to support me, and thereby also make a contribution to a worthwhile program for young writers – which also happens to be part of a 501(c)3 organization, which makes any donation you make tax deductible – please click here and donate what you can. I’m not picky, and neither are these young writers. Support the next generation’s authors. Even if it’s $1, or $5 or even 50 cents.
If you’d like to find out more about National Novel Writing Month – click here. If you decide you want to sign up to write your own novel, you can create an account from there.
If you have an account and are participation in NaNo this year, please add me as a writing buddy. My username is Kiaras.
And, again – if you’d like to donate to support me and the Young Writer’s program, please click here and send what you can – even if it’s the kind of donation that jingles instead of folds.
Good luck, NaNo’ers! I plan to use October for planning and outlining my novel. How about you?