Day 02 – A book that you wish more people had read
I know I should take this opportunity to put forward a book that has some great social message. But instead, I will merely be selfish. The first book I thought of when I read today’s meme is really the first two books of a series: The Godslayer Chronicles books 1 & 2 by James Clemens.
Clemens’ The Band and the Banished series was an excellent and unique dark fantasy tale. One of the few epic fantasies with a truly strong female lead character, I thoroughly enjoyed it and was very excited when The Godslayer Chronicles books started being released.
Clemens manages world-building on the level of Brandon Sanderson – though, sadly, I don’t know if he’s as consistent at it. Clemens also writes as James Rollins, but I haven’t read any of those books, and there is only the one full and this aborted series under the Clemens pen name.
I wish more people had read these books, for the sole reason that I want more of them. There, I told you it was selfish. The first two novels, Shadowfall and Hinterland, set up and introduced a bizarre new fantasy world with a multitude of characters that a reader can really get involved in (and attached to).
Sadly, the second book, Hinterland, was released back in 2006, and there have been no more volumes of this series since. I haven’t been able to find out any information on whether there will be forthcoming books, but considering the time delay, I’m thinking not. Which honestly puzzles the hell out of me, considering the first two books are still being sold at my local Borders bookstore. One would think that if the last book was released in 2006, and there are still copies on the shelf in 2010, that there must have been some success to the series. Otherwise, the books would have long-since been stripped and returned as unsold.
I am frustrated and sad at the lack of ending to this series. But, if I’ve tempted you at all, at least pick up this author’s completed series: The Banned and the Banished. It is complete, and thus has an ending so you won’t end up frustrated like me. The series contains: Wit’ch Fire, Wit’ch Storm, Wit’ch War, Wit’ch Gate, and Wit’ch Star. [Buy it at B&N.]