Instead of writing. Inspired by David B Coe of Magical Words.
- Reading Lilith Saintcrow’s Dante Valentine novel- volume 4. Which hasn’t arrived from Amazon yet. Damn.
- Playing Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (Nintendo DS) – My system tells me I’m about 60% done with the game.
- Watching NCIS or House, MD on DVD. Must… resist… buying… new seasons….
- Adding things to my wishlist
- Having cookies n’ cream ice cream. Mmm.
- Checking the next DVD in my Netflix queue
- Catching up on LICD (A webcomic. Only for the sarcastic.)
- Writing inane blog posts of random top 10 lists
- Creating a database of character stats for the cast of Inferno. (What can I say? I’m a technophile.)
- Driving home from Dragon*Con. Instead, we missed it this year. Very sad.
Also awesome and related to #10 – Friend of mine, director of the Wheel of Time track at Dragon*Con and chair of JordanCon, Jennifer Liang, has an article on Go read it. It’s funny.