January 21, 2025

Waiting for Fairies

Modern Magic Unveiled
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Something Completely Different: The Worst Best Man by Lucy Score

Let me start off with: I had no intention of reading this book, and it could be objectively said that I read the whole thing against my will. In less than a day. And a book that can manage to do that deserves, at the very least, that I tell you about it. I shall […]

Review: Wings Once Cursed & Bound by Piper J Drake

This book wasn’t at all what I expected, based on the title and the cover. I expected it to be high fantasy steeped in Thai mythology. Instead, this book is set in Seattle — I know, I know, it’s on the back cover, but I received an ARC and the back cover copy wasn’t available […]

Review: Eclipse the Moon by Jesse Mihalik

This book is part of a series, and I haven’t, unfortunately, read the rest. But this book has me looking to get the rest from the library, because I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The mystery and action aspects of this book are top notch. The romance is sweet, resolved without a […]

New Book Mail!

I’m always thrilled to receive mail. Especially when it’s a big ol’ book covered in a shiny gold wrapping. Review as soon as I have time to read this beast!

Review: A Game of Fate / A Game of Retribution by Scarlett St. Clair

Those who know me know that I am not only a sucker for Greek mythology but that I have a particular liking for the Persephone myth. Honestly, it’s less the Persephone-and-Hades dynamic than it is seeing this Daughter of the Harvest flower goddess become a powerful queen of dark magic. I like the Eleusinian mysteries […]

Review: Tear Down the Throne by Jennifer Estep

You win, Jennifer Estep, you win. I am already in the middle of reading everything you’ve ever written. Seriously, I’ve read this in-progress series, I’ve got one more book in the Crown of Shards series to read. I’m, I think, 4 books or so in on the Elemental Assassin series, and holy Bob, I’m finding […]

NEW American Gods Edition

  If you need me to tell you that this book is by Neil Gaiman, well… You should just go pick this up and read it, and never tell a soul you’d never heard of him before. I’m a bit late in posting this, but I was so thrilled when this book from HarperCollins showed […]

Review: Sparrow Hill Road by Seanan McGuire

Sparrow Hill Road has a unique format, in that it is more of a collection of shorts with most of the same characters and an overall theme than it is a linear book. ThisĀ is mostly, I think, because the book started out as a series of shorts. However, I think the format is also a […]