January 21, 2025

Waiting for Fairies

Modern Magic Unveiled
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Review: Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

This book was released a couple of weeks ago, which is lucky for you because you’ll be able to run – not walk – to your local book shop and get this book. And you should, because this one is probably my favorite new author that I’ve read this year. Considering the fact that I […]

Review: Gryphon in Light by Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon

There are Valdemar fans and then there are people who haven’t read a Valdemar book yet. I only recently decided to pick up this series which I somehow missed in the prolific reading in my childhood. And I can’t imagine that there is anyone out there who has read it and not enjoyed it. It’s […]

Review: The Sun & The Void by Gabriela Romero Lacruz

I can’t lie, I’ve been a fan of Gabriela Romero Lacruz since before she was an author and before I even knew her name. I ran across her shop from a social media post ages ago, and the tiger mug I drink my coffee out of makes me smile every time I use it. I […]

Review: Conquer the Kingdom by Jennifer Estep

I regret that I had to hold this review due to the HarperCollins Strike, however, it seems that they’ve reached a tentative agreement with the union, and I feel badly that the author was caught in the middle of this, so I’m going to go ahead and allow this review to post. This books is […]

New Book Mail!

I’m always thrilled to receive mail. Especially when it’s a big ol’ book covered in a shiny gold wrapping. Review as soon as I have time to read this beast!

Review: Tear Down the Throne by Jennifer Estep

You win, Jennifer Estep, you win. I am already in the middle of reading everything you’ve ever written. Seriously, I’ve read this in-progress series, I’ve got one more book in the Crown of Shards series to read. I’m, I think, 4 books or so in on the Elemental Assassin series, and holy Bob, I’m finding […]

Review: Capture the Crown by Jennifer Estep

If you held a gun to my head and forced me to describe this book, I would say “light and fluffy”. This might come as a surprise considering the main character has obvious PTSD from having survived a massacre as a child, but that’s how this book feels to me. You can almost ignore the […]

Review: The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid

Alright. I’m going to admit that I received this book early from NetGalley way back in January, and I still haven’t finished it. I’ve picked it up and put it down at least 3 times. I found the world of Évike’s danger-filled forest intriguing. I loved every bit of the mythology, from the forest creatures […]