Reading Meme – Day Thirty
Day 30 – Saddest character death Oh, Kisten. We still miss you. Rest in peace.
Day 30 – Saddest character death Oh, Kisten. We still miss you. Rest in peace.
Day 29 – Current book obsession That’s not really even a question, is it? My entire world was altered by Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time series. I have great friends and a loving husband because of this series. I was able to extract myself from a very bad situation because of the people I […]
Day 28 – First book obsession What counts as an “obsession” really? The first book that lead me to buy everything else the author ever wrote? Wow. If you look at it that way (and I hadn’t until I wrote that just now) then my first book obsession was: I bought this book when it […]
Day 27 – Favorite non-mainstream writer I’m not even sure what this means by “non-mainstream writer”. So I guess I’ll just talk about the least-recognized writer that I can think of – which would be Tim Pratt. The series I was reading was, frustratingly, canceled by the publisher. The author has since published one book […]
Day 26 – OMG WTF? plot Well, the plot point that made me shout OMG WTF was the end of Jim Butcher’s Changes. As a matter of fact, a lot of things in that book had me yelling things like that. So congratulations, Changes. If I told you why, though, I’d ruin not only this […]
Day 25 – A book you plan on reading Randomly from my TBR shelf on GoodReads:
Day 24 – Best quote That which yields is not always weak. This was a prophecy of the dromonde given by Hyacinthe to Melisande, as a warning to her about Phedre. She didn’t really believe it, however, much to her folly. The book is Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey.
Day 23 – Most annoying character Hm. This is a hard one. With the exception of certain Mary-Sues that shall remain nameless, I’m not sure that there are any characters I find annoying. Except. I just thought of one. Axis. Starman. From Sara Douglass’ series The Wayfarer’s Redemption, which is known as The Axis Trilogy […]
Day 22 – Favorite ending/climax The problem with this question is the fact that so many of the books I read are parts of series, and the endings to books in a series aren’t quite as satisfying as those at the very end of a story. So I’m going to go classic with this one […]