So there’s been a bit of upheaval in the WordPress community lately. I’m not going into it here, you can read about it for yourself.
The TL;DR of it all is that I’m fed up with the controversy and the software, and while I did convert to ClassicPress a while ago, I’m just ready to get away from the drama (and the security issues) and leave WordPress behind me.
That said, I’ve been using this since 2007, so there’s quite a bit of stuff to migrate and I’m going to have to do it manually so it’s going to take a while.
So, look for a new look with an underlying new platform soon. My plan is to start with 2024 data and work backward until everything has been moved over. It will probably take a while. Several months if I’m being honest. In the meantime, this site will remain and hopefully the security issues will continue to not apply here.