Geekdom has been both horrible and wonderful for geek girls lately, as the culture shifts from the white, cis, het, male norm to something a lot more inclusive. We’re not there yet, but with the help of the internet, fandom is becoming a far more inclusive place than it was fifty, twenty, or even ten…
Tag: culture
Two Conversations About Prejudice
I present to you two conversations I’ve had recently, for the most part without comment. Conversations have been paraphrased to the best of my ability to protect the innocent and/or guilty. The first was with a co-worker, while we were contemplating potential “some day” career moves (in location, not position). Note that the co-worker (designated…
An Interlude: I Was An Accidental Goth
Hi, folks! It’s “not even remotely related to books” Wednesday! We could also call it, “It’s my blog so if you don’t like it, leave” day, but that’s a little rude so we’ll stick to the former. So I’m a recent Birchbox* subscriber, and I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how my fashion sense…
Open Your Mind, Clenching is Bad For You
Maurice Sendak, the guy who wrote the iconic WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE died recently. It was reported today, but I’m not sure when it happened, and for the purposes of this post, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that he was an author that was beloved by a very great many people. I liked…
Why I Read Urban Fantasy
The kind of books you enjoy can tell you a lot about yourself. What does your choice of book say about you? Share your suggestions and thoughts in the comments.