Day 05 – A book you hate
There are tons of books out there that I read, or tried to read, and didn’t like. I’ve had trouble, though, coming up with one that I actually hate.
Until I remembered that I was forced to read quite a few books in my Advanced Placement English course that I wasn’t very fond of. And the top of that pile is…
This book/play is supposed to be a work of literate genius. I appreciate the fact that some people think so.
I don’t.
For such a short story, it’s an eternity of torture. Maybe I’m bourgeois, but I like my tales to have a plot. I find things like having a beginning, a middle, and an end to be essential to a good book.
Ha. Yes. Waiting for Godot is painful. Generally I like Beckett, but this is absurdist taken too far.
…I'll leave my rant on my own day five answer for my blog.