My most sincere apologies for being a few days late with this. My Darling Husband, the Artist, had surgery this week so one or two things sort of slipped through the cracks. Here are the winners of our Kiaras Festivus contests:
The winner of spragusj‘s copy of BLACKVEIL:
The winners of Leanna Renee Hieber’s giveaway of 1 copy each of STRANGELY BEAUTIFUL:
Matt White
And the winner for the copy of N.K. Jemison’s ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINGDOMS:
Winners – please email me your shipping addresses at kiara at waiting for fairies dot com, even if you think I might already have it. Please get them to me by this Monday, March 7th at noon Eastern, or I will chose a backup winner for your contest.
w00t! Awesome! I’ll send you that PM right now! Thanks, ladies!!
Boo! Hiss! Okra!
Congrats to the winners!