Flip This Zombie
Living With The Dead #2
Written: Jesse Petersen
Published: January 1, 2011
Publisher: Orbit
ISBN: 0316102954
Obtained via: Purchase (e-book)
The Zombie Apocalypse has been good to Sarah and David. Their marriage is better than ever. They communicate well, share responsibilities, and now, they’re starting a business. ZombieBusters-for all your zombie extermination needs.
There are lots of zombies and that means lots of customers…Except one of them doesn’t want the zombies dead, he wants them alive and ready for experimentation. Mad scientists make for difficult clients and this time, Sarah and David might have bitten off more than they can chew.
My Review:
I wanted an urban fantasy series that didn’t have the side plot of the main heroine trying to find her “true love”. Just once, I wanted to see a couple that was already in a committed relationship at the beginning of the novel. ‘Why aren’t there more married couples in UF?’, I railed. ‘Does everyone in the world have a crazy wish-fulfillment dream of the first blush of love? Where are the Old Married Couples of fiction??’
Well, I need no longer gnash my teeth at the lack of proper married couples: Sarah and David fill that need very well. Here — finally! — is a couple that doesn’t stare dreamily into their partner’s eyes in the midst of danger. FINALLY, here is a couple that takes care of business first and saves their sexual heat for times when they’re not about to be killed and eaten.
What a relief!
Jesse Petersen has provided us a no-nonsense, well-balanced couple who know the difference between nookie-time and zombie-killing-time. Obviously, there’s still room to play with the emotions of romance even in an old-hat marriage. This book, for instance, has a creepy scientist third wheel and some serious jealousy issues going on.
If you like zombies and sarcasm and are just a little bit curious about how life would go on for regular folks after the zombiepocalypse, then I think you should read this series. It’s a heck of a lot of fun.
[xrr rating=4/5 imageset=default]
I’ve toyed with the idea of reading these and with your recommendation, they’ve now been added to my TBR list. *nod*