So you’re actually getting a two-fer today, because when I was contacted to review Leanna’s second book in this series, I realized I hadn’t yet read the first. As long-time followers of WFF will know, Leanna has been a friend to this site for many years. I reviewed her first series, and even featured an…
Author: Kiara
Review: The Princess Beard by Delilah S Dawson & Kevin Hearne
The Tales of Pell series is obviously a string of parodies, and this one is just as obviously a play on The Princess Bride. I certainly enjoyed the first book in the series, titled Kill the Farm Boy. The second book, No Country for Old Gnomes, failed to capture my interest and I didn’t finish…
Hey, Look Who’s Here…
The other day, in a fit of pique — and after this website was down for about 2 hours in the middle of a random weekday — I decided to switch hosting companies again. Why did I ever move away from Hostgator? They aren’t the cheapest hosting company ever, but for the range of features…
New ARCs
The ARC fairy has been kind to me lately. Here are some of the ones I’ve received recently.
I like it when I’m sent nice things…
And how nice is this?