Hello from 2017, and holy shit, has the world gotten pretty bad since Jan. 20th, hasn’t it? First of all: YES, this is bad. This isn’t normal. We are not just being overly dramatic here. Even if you are middle-class and white and think that none of this will affect you — yes, it will….
Author: Kiara
What I’ve Read in 2016 (Micro Reviews!)
Well, it’s been a while, but let’s not bother with excuses. Let’s just take a look at what I’ve managed to read in 2016, shall we? Note: This post will include affiliate links. Chapelwood by Cherie Priest (Buy). Lizzie Borden novel. The last? Very good horror, and I don’t even like much horror. Lyon’s Pride…
Review: Blood of the Earth by Faith Hunter
Releasing today, this is a second series in Hunter’s Jane Yellowrock universe. The only problem I had with this book is that I’m at least 3 books behind on the JY series (soo many books to read!) and so I spent the whole book thinking that this series was a prequel to Jane’s story and…
What I’ve Been Up To
My attempt at making tiny clay animals led to my purchasing some acrylic paints. A sale at Michael’s led to… Well. This. I’m rather proud of this one, although it’s not finished. It got too wet, so I’m taking a break for it to dry some. A really cool bit is that I had some…
Review: Zer0es by Chuck Wendig
Cross Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother with The Matrix, add a dash of I, Robot and you’ll have the plot of Zeroes. The scariest part of this book is how absolutely plausible the scenario is. Perhaps the technology isn’t quite ready yet, but with NSA spying, Citizens United, and all the other craziness going on in…