Not my circus, not my monkeys. (Polish Proverb)
Author: Kiara
The 2015 Urban Fantasy Zodiac
So a couple of years back, I did a tongue-in-cheek Urban Fantasy Zodiac with a similar structure to the Chinese zodiac. All my respect to the original astrology, and if you’re not familiar with it, this is a good starter guide. I’m not really a believer in any version of the zodiac, honestly, but I’ve always appreciated…
Mondays are for Quotes
When life knocks you down… Calmly get back up, smile, and very politely say, “You hit like a bitch.” Have a source for this quote? Hit me up.
Cool Thing Friday
Looking for something to read? Here is a massive post from the #1 place you should be following on Tumblr: MedievalPOC Best of Medieval POC 2014 Fiction Week Master Post GO FORTH AND EDUCATE THYSELF.
Wrapping up 2014
[Disclaimer: I have blatantly stolen the idea for this post from Chuck Wendig. You should probably go read his blog. He’s way wittier than I am, anyway.] Favorite novel of the year: Patrick Rothfuss’ The Slow Regard of Silent Things Favorite non-fiction book of the year: Chuck Wendig’s 30 Days in the Word Mines Favorite…