This review has been so delayed that it’s almost silly to post it, but since I did read a review copy it seems only fair. This book wasn’t quite what I was expecting. I had hopes for more of a tie to the old fairy tales, what with the book being called Charming and all….
Author: Kiara
Sick Day
Sometimes, taking hold of the moments means just taking care of oneself. I ran pretty hard throughout the month of December, since Thanksgiving really. Holidays, presents, shopping, some babysitting, and knowing all the while that there were some pretty stressful work things coming up at the end of the month. So when I started feeling…
Happy New Year
Time, like the rules of society, is an agreement we all make that certain things will be done a specific way. Time is all one piece. There are no endings and no beginnings to time, which means that the concept of the New Year is really kind of silly. It means we don’t have to…
NaNo Day 3 Check In
Today is the third day of National Novel Writing Month, and I’m currently sitting at 5,164 words. This means that I am just a tiny smidge ahead on my word count. This is good, of course. It means I’m doing better than last year! How are you doing?
Fall In A Jar
I guess it’s official.