Another awesome magic system and another YA novel win for Brandon Sanderson on this one. This book lacks the whimsical humor of his Alcatraz books and some of the more mature themes from his adult fantasy series. The Rithmatist purposely lacks a romantic element, and I really enjoyed that aspect. It was a nice contrast from…
Author: Kiara
Creative Urges
I’ve been spending a lot of time lately thinking about creativity versus consumption. I’d noticed one day that it had been a very, very long time since I’d used my laptop’s keyboard for anything but typing in URLs and searching B&N for book titles. So long, in fact, that I didn’t quite remember the last…
Authors Welcome
I don’t often weigh in on the various dramas in book blogging fandom. Most of the time, I don’t care enough to get involved. This is my space, and seeing as how it’s a very small one, the drama doesn’t tend to make it here. In this case, however, I have something to say. The…
The (Late) Cover Reveal for Ministry Protocol
So this was supposed to go up yesterday, but I’ve spent every spare moment the last 24 hours bringing my entire network of websites back up from a catastrophic failure. Lucky me. That said, I promised this was going to go up, and it’s darn well going up! Please note giveaway is not hosted here….
Review: Under the Empyrean Sky by Chuck Wendig
This book foretells the near-future dystopian conclusion to our recent political history: Occupy Wallstreet and the 1%, GMO food scandals, domestic government spying campaigns, and the health detriments of high fructose corn syrup. In this somewhere-in-the-future world, the richest 1% literally float high above the rest. Below, spouses are chosen by government dictate and everyone…