This morning, a link to this article appeared in my Twitter feed. (Warning: some of the replies to that Tweet are pretty rage-inducing. Click at your own risk. The article doesn’t have comments, and is fairly well written, although there is one small issue I have with it, which you will see below.) Because sexism…
Author: Kiara
Review: The Mad Scientist’s Guide to World Domination Edited by John Joseph Adams
Everyone knows that superheroes are boring. Villains are more interesting: more complex in their madness, more brilliant in their darkness. When the villains are also genius scientists… Well, then you have something remarkable. The authors writing for this collection go in all sorts of different directions. Some of their villains are well intentioned, others are narcissistic,…
The Power of Reading or What Might Be the First Fantasy Book I Ever Read
This may be the very first Fantasy-with-a-capital-F book I ever read on my own. The Blurb Shelley and her younger brother, Georgie, are getting worried! They made up a game–an elaborate series of athletic “trials”–to cheer up their little sister, Lucy, who’s recovering from a bad illness, and now she’s getting all weird about it….
Review: The Mad Scientist’s Daughter by Cassandra Rose Clarke
I didn’t like this book, yet I read every single word from cover to cover. Why did I do this if I didn’t like it? Honestly I have no idea. I tried to put it down, but every time I tried it would burn and itch at me from the back of mind. It was…
We’re Back! (Not From Outer Space, Though)
We’re nearing our 6th anniversary here at WFF and now that I’m back from my extended “vacation”, I am feeling revived and renewed. That means I’ve got several great posts in the queue for you and am planning some extra special goodness for our upcoming seventh year of posting. Item the first: WFF will now…