This is the fifth book in the Iron Druid series from Kevin Hearne. It will be released November 27th, 2012 from Del Rey. The Blurb After twelve years of secret training, Atticus O’Sullivan is finally ready to bind his apprentice, Granuaile, to the earth and double the number of Druids in the world. But on…
Author: Kiara
We Don’t Get to Decide
I have been all around the internet tonight, and I have some strange thoughts brewing. Thoughts of racism, misogyny, doxing, homophobia, and the abuse of power. I think it’s interesting that all of these stories have the same underlying theme: power, or the lack of it, and who gets to decide when to use it…
Review: Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
This book is the first in a series from debut author Jay Kristoff called The Lotus War. It will be released on September 18, 2012 from St. Martin’s Press in hard cover and digital. Buy it here. The Blurb A DYING LAND The Shima Imperium verges on the brink of environmental collapse; an island nation once…
Review: Mockingbird by Chuck Wendig
This is the second book in Chuck Wendig’s Miriam Black series. It was released from Angry Robot on August 28th. Continuing the tradition of the first in the series, Blackbirds, this one also has a kick ass cover. The Blurb Miriam is trying. Really, she is. But this whole “settling down thing” that Louis has…
Two Conversations About Prejudice
I present to you two conversations I’ve had recently, for the most part without comment. Conversations have been paraphrased to the best of my ability to protect the innocent and/or guilty. The first was with a co-worker, while we were contemplating potential “some day” career moves (in location, not position). Note that the co-worker (designated…