My most sincere apologies for being a few days late with this. My Darling Husband, the Artist, had surgery this week so one or two things sort of slipped through the cracks. Here are the winners of our Kiaras Festivus contests: The winner of spragusj‘s copy of BLACKVEIL: ~ap~ The winners of Leanna Renee Hieber’s…
Author: Kiara
Review: The Sworn by Gail Z Martin
The Sworn Fallen Kings #1 Written: Gail Z. Martin [website] Published: February 3rd, 2011 Publisher: Orbit ISBN: 1841499137 Obtained via: NetGalley Blurb (via As plague and famine scourge the winter kingdoms, a vast invasion force is mustering from beyond the northern seas. And at its heart, a dark spirit mage wields the blood magic…
Review & Giveaway: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms The Inheritance Trilogy #1 Written: N.K. Jemisin Published: February 25, 2010 Publisher: Orbit ISBN: 0316043915 Obtained via: Gift from a friend Blurb: Yeine Darr is an outcast from the barbarian north. But when her mother dies under mysterious circumstances, she is summoned to the majestic city of Sky. There, to her…
Review: Pale Demon by Kim Harrison
Pale Demon is the most thrilling book we’ve seen since A Fistful of Charms — and is also the absolute best in the series. If you’re not reading this series, then you are simply missing out.
Review: Right Hand Magic by Nancy A Collins
[M]addened werewolf attacks, giant shapeshifting cat-dragons, a wicked uncle, and a world so fully realized that a reader could actually step into it…