If you loved Shaun of the Dead the same way I did, then Married With Zombies is just the Christmas read you need.
Author: Kiara
DéJàWriMo – Doesn’t It Seem Familiar?
Well, NaNoWriMo didn’t go well for me this year. I struggled through my first 15,000 words or so, upgraded my cell phone to a Droid2, and between the struggle, working 50 hour weeks, and having a new gadget… Well, let’s just say this will only be the second time since I started doing NaNo back…
Reading Meme – Day Thirty
Day 30 – Saddest character death Oh, Kisten. We still miss you. Rest in peace.
Reading Meme – Day Twenty-Nine
Day 29 – Current book obsession That’s not really even a question, is it? My entire world was altered by Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time series. I have great friends and a loving husband because of this series. I was able to extract myself from a very bad situation because of the people I…
Reading Meme – Day Twenty-Eight
Day 28 – First book obsession What counts as an “obsession” really? The first book that lead me to buy everything else the author ever wrote? Wow. If you look at it that way (and I hadn’t until I wrote that just now) then my first book obsession was: I bought this book when it…