Day 27 – Favorite non-mainstream writer I’m not even sure what this means by “non-mainstream writer”. So I guess I’ll just talk about the least-recognized writer that I can think of – which would be Tim Pratt. The series I was reading was, frustratingly, canceled by the publisher. The author has since published one book…
Author: Kiara
Reading Meme – Day Twenty-Six
Day 26 – OMG WTF? plot Well, the plot point that made me shout OMG WTF was the end of Jim Butcher’s Changes. As a matter of fact, a lot of things in that book had me yelling things like that. So congratulations, Changes. If I told you why, though, I’d ruin not only this…
Reading Meme – Day Twenty-Five
Day 25 – A book you plan on reading Randomly from my TBR shelf on GoodReads:
Reading Meme – Day Twenty-Four
Day 24 – Best quote That which yields is not always weak. This was a prophecy of the dromonde given by Hyacinthe to Melisande, as a warning to her about Phedre. She didn’t really believe it, however, much to her folly. The book is Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey.
Reading Meme – Day Twenty-Three
Day 23 – Most annoying character Hm. This is a hard one. With the exception of certain Mary-Sues that shall remain nameless, I’m not sure that there are any characters I find annoying. Except. I just thought of one. Axis. Starman. From Sara Douglass’ series The Wayfarer’s Redemption, which is known as The Axis Trilogy…