Day 13 – Favorite childhood book Hands down. No question.
Author: Kiara
Reading Meme – Day Twelve
Day 12 – A book you’ve read more than twice There’s a ton of books I’ve read more than twice. Here are a couple:
Reading Meme – Day Eleven
Day 11 – A book that disappointed you I received an advanced reader’s copy of this book from the publisher. The fourth time I fell asleep within the first 50 pages, I gave up trying. Since I don’t review books I can’t finish, I never posted anything about it. Something about this book just didn’t…
Reading Meme – Day Ten
Day 10 – A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving I thought when I picked up this very pink-themed book with its decidedly romance-y back cover blurb that there was a very good chance that I’d be disappointed. Especially with how much the book had been hyped in reviews and by…
Reading Meme – Day Nine
Day 09 – Best scene ever Geez, this one is a really, really hard choice. There are a ton of books who could qualify for “best scene”. Like: The battleground scene of Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Dart, where Phedre is nearly skinned alive and Joscelin nearly performs the terminus. The climactic scene of Rob Thurman’s exciting…