These are writers’ resource links I’ve found helpful and/or interesting for June 9th through July 18th: How to Write a Synopsis of Your Novel – The Wizards Community > Wotc Novels Book Club > Blog > How to Critique Manuscripts & Still Stay Friends – fanficrants: lies! lies! – The Observer and the Observed: Character…
Author: Kiara
Is Urban Fantasy Ruining Our Attention Spans?
Do you think the pacing of the urban fantasy genre has “trained” us to expect a certain pacing in our novels? And do you think this will have (or has had) an effect on our enjoyment of other genres?
Review: The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker
This review may contain spoilers for book 1.
Writer’s Resources for June 9th through June 29th
These are writers’ resource links I’ve found helpful and/or interesting for June 9th through July 18th: edittorrent: Paragraphing as meaning – Invincible Summer: Professionalism – The Writer Who Couldn’t Read : NPR – Creating a “Series Bible” « Deadline Dames – edittorrent: Editing by Machine – edittorrent: Emotion postponement – Janet Reid, Literary Agent: The…
Diana Rowland ‘Impromptu Contest’ Winner
I apologize for the delay, as I said I would draw the winner on Tuesday. And I completely forgot. This is what working 6 days/50 hour weeks at Ye Olde Day Job (henceforth to be known as YODJ) does to me. To choose the winner, I numbered each entrant’s comment (skipping over any replies). By…