I didn’t even know they had this, so I’m especially pleased to be hearing of it in time for nominations. From the BBAW blog: Book Blogger Appreciation Week is a week long festival celebrating the community of book bloggers and their contribution to preserving a culture of literacy through book reviews and recommendations, reading reflections,…
Author: Kiara
Impromtu Contest: Vent Here to Win a Diana Rowland Book
Okay, folks. Diana Rowland is posting some gems over at her Twitter feed tonight, and she’s inspired me. So I’m holding an impromptu contest. I have an extra copy of her latest Blood of the Demon (Review here.) and I’m giving it away.
BzzAgent Product Reviews for May/June
I’ve never done this before at Waiting for Fairies, but I figure – Hey, it’s my blog! I can do what I want!
If Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder…
Then you guys’ll love me next week!
Review: Magic On The Storm by Devon Monk
I love this series. I will just open with that and have done with it.