Sometimes, I think I’m married to the smartest man alive. Don’t tell him that, of course. I’d never hear the end of it if he knew I thought that, even sometimes. It’s true, nevertheless. I’ve taken up an attempt at knitting the last day or so. I’ve known how to do very basic crochet since…
Author: Kiara
Review: Trick of the Light by Rob Thurman
Oh, Ms. Thurman how you have confounded and delighted me through the course of your published works. For your first three published novels I was convinced you were male. This is probably not surprising, given your choice of abbreviating your name.
Updates on The White Queen – including a trip!
To celebrate the success of its release, LivingSocial and Simon & Schuster are giving away a trip to London and other great prizes.
Why I’m a Writer
y a writer? I’m not published – unless you count a sad POD first novel that I wouldn’t show to my own grandmother. I don’t even get to sit at my laptop and live inside my fantasy worlds for hours at a time. I have a day job and a family to support. I don’t…
THE WHITE QUEEN Giveaway Winners!
Okay, the winners have been chosen for the giveaway of two copies (one copy for each winner) of The White Queen by Philippa Gregory! I’m so excited about this I could seriously burst.