In which we review Mario Acevedo’s The Undead Kama Sutra. Acevedo is also the author of the bestselling X-Rated Bloodsuckers.
Author: Kiara
Another Potter Novel? JK Rowling Says, ‘Maybe’
So if you haven’t heard, JK Rowling has said that she occasionally gets “weak” enough to say yes to an eight Harry Potter novel. She says, however, that any further novels set in the world of Diagon Alley et al. would not focus on Harry himself. Small miracles happen every day, I guess.
Book Review: Punching In by Alex Frankel
Review of Punching In: The Unauthorized Adventures of a Frontline Employee by Alex Frankel, who has also written for Wired and The New York Times.
Sacred Space: 10 Rules For The Office Restroom
Heading to the restroom at work is a necessary evil; it’s one most people can’t avoid. However, there are ways to keep this evil from becoming a blight upon your day. Here are my personal tips for making ‘rest breaks’ a better place.
Things To Look Forward To
Schedule of Releases: June 5, 2007 – The Harlequin, Laurell K Hamilton (book) June 5, 2007 – Eat Me, Drink Me – Marilyn Manson (album) June 14, 2007 – Kushiel’s Justice – Jacqueline Carey (book) July 21, 2007 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling (book) August 28, 2007 – Elves of…