Ever since the first Wayfarer Redemption trilogy, when Axis lied to, betrayed and abandoned Faraday, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with the work of Sara Douglass. As in life, Ms. Douglass’ characters are rarely either wholly good or evil. From Axis, Starman and former StarGod, hero of the first three books* who did his own…
Author: Kiara
So True I Had To Share
Review: Kim Harrison For A Few Demons More
I apologize excessively for the delay in getting this review together. I’ve had a busy week at work; but not only that. I needed more than a few days to process this book, to roll it over in my mind like hard toffee and to, well, grieve. Warning: This review may contain spoilers for books…
Spam Sandwiches & An Excited Wiggle
If a blog’s popularity is in direct proportion to the amount of spam it receives, then I’ve been getting quite a bit more popular lately. Thank you to my Readers for that, and thanks Akismet for blocking those Viagra ads! I also wanted to note: I received Kim Harrison’s brand new first hardcover ever: For…
Upcoming Book Reviews
I plan to do reviews of Kim Harrison’s For A Few Demons More and Vicki Pettersson’s The Taste of Night just as soon as I can get my hot little hands on them. Kim’s FFDM will be released March 20th. Vicki’s Taste is due out March 27th. I also have Anne Bishop’s Belladonna, just as…