Staples has a very interesting speed reading test posted on their website, which not only will tell you how many words you can read in a minute, but also tells you how you compare to the national average and the world’s best speed readers (among other things). I find it puzzling that the timeline shows…
Book Tech
The technology of books, and their evolving roles.
Thoughts on the Nook Color
All in all, big thumbs up for this device. This skeptic has been completely sold on the concept. I can’t wait to start moving a big part of my collection from hard copy to digital.
Can’t Wait for Kim Harrison’s PALE DEMON? Click here.
Just a quick note to say: it was pointed out to me today that if you (like me) are a humongoid squee-ing fan girl of Kim Harrison’s The Hollows series, you can get a sneak-preview early excerpt in the “back” of the e-book of The Good, the Bad, and the Undead. Find it at either…
Kindle 2 Controversy
So there seems to be some trouble brewing for Amazon’s Kindle 2. One of the features on the newest version of Amazon’s e-book reader is a text-to-audio function. Now, I’m assuming that the K2 uses a robot voice to read the text, but maybe someone in the know could enlighten us? In any case, the…
Sony’s Reader or Amazon’s Kindle?
CNN’s Business Traveler posted reviews this morning of both Sony’s Reader and Amazon’s Kindle. For those of you that don’t know both the Reader and the Kindle are electronic books: little gadgets about the size of a paperback that will hold lots of books in their large electronic memories. In other words – pure heaven…