Day 23 – Most annoying character Hm. This is a hard one. With the exception of certain Mary-Sues that shall remain nameless, I’m not sure that there are any characters I find annoying. Except. I just thought of one. Axis. Starman. From Sara Douglass’ series The Wayfarer’s Redemption, which is known as The Axis Trilogy…
Reading Meme – Day Twenty-two
Day 22 – Favorite ending/climax The problem with this question is the fact that so many of the books I read are parts of series, and the endings to books in a series aren’t quite as satisfying as those at the very end of a story. So I’m going to go classic with this one…
Reading Meme – Day Twenty-One
Day 21 – Favorite fictional romantic relationship As opposed to non-fictional romantic relationship? Aren’t we talking about books here? … But enough of my sarcasm about how this one is phrased… My favorite romantic relationship in a novel belongs to Allie Beckstrom and Zayvion Jones, as written by Devon Monk. Zayvion values Allie for what…
Reading Meme – Day Twenty
Day 20 – Favorite kiss or love scene I’m not much of a girl for love scenes. I don’t really believe there’s a way to do too much sex without resorting to euphemisms or clinical terminology. With that said, my favorite is still the night Phedre and Joscelin spend in a Skaldic cave, their first…
Reading Meme – Day Nineteen
Day 19 – Best ensemble of characters in a book A pack of werewolves. Mac, bar-keep and brewer of beer. The Summer and Winter Queens of the Fae. Thomas, an Incubus/Vampire. Molly, the plucky apprentice. Mouse the dog, Mister the cat, Bob the skull. Susan , half-vampire. Karrin, police detective. Harry, professional wizard. And a…