All in all, big thumbs up for this device. This skeptic has been completely sold on the concept. I can’t wait to start moving a big part of my collection from hard copy to digital.
Book related posts (from a reader’s point of view – see ‘Writer’s Life’ for writing posts).
Review: Mercy Blade by Faith Hunter
If you want a peek into the world of an extraordinary, supernatural woman with real flaws, then I’d urge you to give Jane a chance.
Review: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
The Way of Kings The Stormlight Archive #1 Written: Brandon Sanderson[website] Published: Tor When: August 31, 2010 ISBN: 978-0765326355 Obtained via: Purchase* (I also won an ARC in a contest, but ended up buying a copy as well.) Cover blurb: Roshar is a world of stone and storms. Uncanny tempests of incredible power sweep across the rocky terrain…
Can’t Wait for Kim Harrison’s PALE DEMON? Click here.
Just a quick note to say: it was pointed out to me today that if you (like me) are a humongoid squee-ing fan girl of Kim Harrison’s The Hollows series, you can get a sneak-preview early excerpt in the “back” of the e-book of The Good, the Bad, and the Undead. Find it at either…
Meet Tor’s New Bouncing Baby Twins
Like Fantasy? Like Steampunk? Then I have some good news for you. has announced the creation of two “satellite sites” exclusively for sharing some of the best content found around the ‘net in the fantasy and steampunk genres. Basically, these are Facebook “fan” pages and accompanying Twitter streams. Would you care to meet these…