Double Dead is the first full-length novel from Penmonkey Chuck Wendig. It features a vampire who wakes up in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. It rocks. It was released November 15th, 2011 from Abaddon. I read the e-book. The Blurb (as posted on Terrible Minds) Poor, poor Coburn. Once the king of his castle —…
Important posts that you should read.
Upcoming: Kiaras Festivus 2012!
What is Kiaras Festivus? Kiaras Festivus is, literally ‘The Festival of Kiara’. This usually happens in February, mostly because my birthday is the 28th and I like to celebrate for as long as possible! This year, Waiting for Fairies’ also turns 5 years old (as a book review site) during the first week of March! (My…
Top 10 Books I Read in 2011
Since everyone else was busy doing end-of-year posts, I figured I’d throw my 10 cents out there as well. Here are my top 10 from 2011. These are books that I read in 2011, not necessarily that were published in 2011. 1. Number one, of course, has to be Jim Butcher’s Ghost Story. Because the 13th book…
Review: Blood Rights by Kristen Painter
Blood Rights is the first book in The House of Commaré series by Kristen Painter. It was published on October 1, 2011. There are three books currently available in this series. The Blurb The lacy gold mapped her entire body. A finely-wrought filigree of stars, vines, flowers, butterflies, ancient symbols and words ran from her feet,…
Thoughts on WFF’s Upcoming 5 year Blog-o-versary!
Though I started this website way back in 2006, I didn’t post my very first review here until March 3rd, 2007. (It was Vicki Pettersson’s Scent of Shadows, if you’re curious.) This means, of course, that Waiting for Fairies turns FIVE YEARS OLD in March of 2012! I’d like this year’s Kiaras Festivus celebration to be…