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Posts about my day-to-day doings.
Sacred Space: 10 Rules For The Office Restroom
Heading to the restroom at work is a necessary evil; it’s one most people can’t avoid. However, there are ways to keep this evil from becoming a blight upon your day. Here are my personal tips for making ‘rest breaks’ a better place.
Things To Look Forward To
Schedule of Releases: June 5, 2007 – The Harlequin, Laurell K Hamilton (book) June 5, 2007 – Eat Me, Drink Me – Marilyn Manson (album) June 14, 2007 – Kushiel’s Justice – Jacqueline Carey (book) July 21, 2007 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling (book) August 28, 2007 – Elves of…
I know the About Page says quite a bit about the name of this website, and what it says and what it means; but somehow, I feel like it doesn’t quite say enough about what it needs to. It doesn’t portray the years of hope and longing to be something more significant than just a…