I’ve never done this before at Waiting for Fairies, but I figure – Hey, it’s my blog! I can do what I want!
Things I like.
Authors I Admire: Robert Jordan
I’m introducing a new series here at MG, one that I’ve been thinking about for awhile. These posts will focus on authors I admire and why. It could be something related to their writing or something they’ve said or done outside of their books. This series of posts will tell you, in detail, which authors…
A Few of My Favorite Things
Want to get to know me? Here are a few of my favorites. Favorite author(s)? Kim Harrison, Faith Hunter, Anne Bishop, James Clemens, Jim Butcher, and childhood favorite David Eddings Favorite food? Longhorn’s 8oz. Renegade sirloin, well done, with Texas cheese fries and the deep fried cheesecake for dessert. Mmmmm. Favorite color? Purple, black, crimson…