So there’s been a bit of upheaval in the WordPress community lately. I’m not going into it here, you can read about it for yourself. The TL;DR of it all is that I’m fed up with the controversy and the software, and while I did convert to ClassicPress a while ago, I’m just ready to…
What the title says. Rants go here.
It’s Time to Save the World
Hello from 2017, and holy shit, has the world gotten pretty bad since Jan. 20th, hasn’t it? First of all: YES, this is bad. This isn’t normal. We are not just being overly dramatic here. Even if you are middle-class and white and think that none of this will affect you — yes, it will….
So This is What They Meant. (Sexism, Gaming, and Culture)
This morning, a link to this article appeared in my Twitter feed. (Warning: some of the replies to that Tweet are pretty rage-inducing. Click at your own risk. The article doesn’t have comments, and is fairly well written, although there is one small issue I have with it, which you will see below.) Because sexism…
We Don’t Get to Decide
I have been all around the internet tonight, and I have some strange thoughts brewing. Thoughts of racism, misogyny, doxing, homophobia, and the abuse of power. I think it’s interesting that all of these stories have the same underlying theme: power, or the lack of it, and who gets to decide when to use it…
Open Your Mind, Clenching is Bad For You
Maurice Sendak, the guy who wrote the iconic WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE died recently. It was reported today, but I’m not sure when it happened, and for the purposes of this post, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that he was an author that was beloved by a very great many people. I liked…