2010 will be our triumphant return to Atlanta. I’m very excited to be heading back to Atlanta. I’ve got a huge assortment of things that I want to see this year. I’m not famous enough to be on any panels, but here’s a list of a few things I want to attend.
Is Urban Fantasy Ruining Our Attention Spans?
Do you think the pacing of the urban fantasy genre has “trained” us to expect a certain pacing in our novels? And do you think this will have (or has had) an effect on our enjoyment of other genres?
Would You Like To Guest Post? And Other Miscellanea
Okay, first off, I know it’s incredibly short notice. But. I’ll be out of town the week of May 24th and am interested in hearing from anyone who’d like to guest post on WFF that week, or possibly early the following week.
More Cosmetic Surgery
I know…
I shouldn’t have…
But it just felt so good.
You might have noticed that there’s a slightly different look here at WFF. Again.
Small Outage Last Night
My apologies to anyone who tried to visit us last night and received errors or a strange-looking page. WFF was being migrated to a new hosting provider. Everything should be fine now, but if you find anything broken, please let me know. On another note: Within the next week or so, I should have reviews…