November 1st — I will defeat NaNo this year and I’ll do it by the 20th! November 6th — I will defeat NaNo this year by the 30th! November 10th — I can still catch up this weekend. No problem! November 15th — Well, the whole experiment was about writing consistently, so even if I…
Writer’s Life
These are writing posts.
Creative Urges
I’ve been spending a lot of time lately thinking about creativity versus consumption. I’d noticed one day that it had been a very, very long time since I’d used my laptop’s keyboard for anything but typing in URLs and searching B&N for book titles. So long, in fact, that I didn’t quite remember the last…
“Indie” Publishing and Donkeys
So my darling husband is insisting that I relate this story to you the way that I just did to him — and, well, I suppose I might as well. I guess I could consider it a signal boost. You see, I was reading this SFWA post about a new writing contest called The 2011…
DéJàWriMo – Day 5 Check In
So we’re five days into our sixty-two day journey of DéJàWriMo. How have you been doing?
DéJàWriMo – Doesn’t It Seem Familiar?
Well, NaNoWriMo didn’t go well for me this year. I struggled through my first 15,000 words or so, upgraded my cell phone to a Droid2, and between the struggle, working 50 hour weeks, and having a new gadget… Well, let’s just say this will only be the second time since I started doing NaNo back…