Instead of writing. Inspired by David B Coe of Magical Words. Reading Lilith Saintcrow’s Dante Valentine novel- volume 4. Which hasn’t arrived from Amazon yet. Damn. Playing Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (Nintendo DS) – My system tells me I’m about 60% done with the game. Watching NCIS or House, MD on DVD. Must… resist……
Writer’s Life
These are writing posts.
10 Good Writer’s Resources
Writer’s Digest Writing Prompts Holly Lisle’s Mapping Workshop A good baby name book or website. This one also has surnames. Patricia C. Wrede’s fantasy world-building questions. Holly Black’s writing resources A good word processor program like Open Office (even better if it’s free) Author’s outline-helper – Originally created for NaNoWriMo.* The Novel Notebook by Lynn…
A Few of My Favorite Things
Want to get to know me? Here are a few of my favorites. Favorite author(s)? Kim Harrison, Faith Hunter, Anne Bishop, James Clemens, Jim Butcher, and childhood favorite David Eddings Favorite food? Longhorn’s 8oz. Renegade sirloin, well done, with Texas cheese fries and the deep fried cheesecake for dessert. Mmmmm. Favorite color? Purple, black, crimson…
Welcome to the Glade
Welcome to the new & improved Moonlit Glade. This site will still have resources for writers, but instead of highlighting contributed material the Glade will now focus on writer’s resources and my own work. I’ll be sharing the resources and techniques I use myself as well as the progress of my current project, the full…
Officially Tossing in the Towel
In case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve officially given up on NaNoWriMo. You’ll notice that there haven’t been any updates here since day 6. That would be because I gave up on day 8, after two days of no writing. I haven’t given up on the story. On the contrary, it’s become one of my favorites,…