These are my links for September 25th from 14:00 to 15:42: Beat the synopsis stress : Writers and Artists – The Blood-Red Pencil: Self-Editing One Step at a Time: Identifying and Eliminating Your Habit Words – Wondermark » Archive » #554; The Fiction Generator. – Lilith Saintcrow » Blog Archive » How Many Cliches Spoil…
Writer’s Life
These are writing posts.
Writer’s Resources for September 21st through September 23rd
These are my links for September 21st through September 23rd: The Swivet [Colleen Lindsay]: Guest blog: Agent Marlene Stringer talks about author self-promotion. – Seven Ways to Write a Book Faster – The Cuckleburr Times – Jordan McCollum – mysteries to fall in love with, romance to keep you in suspense – Writer’s Resources –…
The Power of Kamikaze
Sometimes, I think I’m married to the smartest man alive. Don’t tell him that, of course. I’d never hear the end of it if he knew I thought that, even sometimes. It’s true, nevertheless. I’ve taken up an attempt at knitting the last day or so. I’ve known how to do very basic crochet since…
Why I’m a Writer
y a writer? I’m not published – unless you count a sad POD first novel that I wouldn’t show to my own grandmother. I don’t even get to sit at my laptop and live inside my fantasy worlds for hours at a time. I have a day job and a family to support. I don’t…
The Pen Name Kerfuffle
So I had a few thoughts on pen names and the obligation (if any) of authors to disclose that they are using such. These thoughts stem from a small controversy over a recent Locus article in which Kim Harrison, author of the best-selling Rachel Morgan/Hollows series, revealed that the name – and much of the persona – is a nom de plume.