People everywhere are talking about Steve Jobs’ recent comments on the Amazon Kindle.
Shelfari’s 50 Book Challenge
If you are a reader, please join us in fighting this assumption that Americans (or Canadians, or Martians for that matter) aren’t readers. If you don’t have a blog where you can track your progress, you can post from Shelfari’s forums, or start your own blog at (or similar). Whatever you do, if you choose to join us, post your link here and spread the word!
Review: The Twisted Citadel by Sara Douglass
Twisted Citadel is the 2nd book in what, if I remember correctly, will be a trilogy. Middle books are like middle children. They’re usually unobtrusive, yet puzzling, and in the end they tend to leave you surprised and a little bit impatient with their behavior.
Review: The Undead Kama Sutra by Mario Acevedo
In which we review Mario Acevedo’s The Undead Kama Sutra. Acevedo is also the author of the bestselling X-Rated Bloodsuckers.
Another Potter Novel? JK Rowling Says, ‘Maybe’
So if you haven’t heard, JK Rowling has said that she occasionally gets “weak” enough to say yes to an eight Harry Potter novel. She says, however, that any further novels set in the world of Diagon Alley et al. would not focus on Harry himself. Small miracles happen every day, I guess.