With seven books and an anthology under her belt – and 2 of those books releasing this year – you’d think that Rob Thurman would almost be a household name. But nay, gentle reader, this is far from the truth. Ms. Thurman – and it is Ms. Thurman, sorry to disappoint you – needs our help! I’d say this is probably the most under-rated author in the urban fantasy genre today. She does amazing work, folks.
Tag: author
Kiaras Festivus: Author Focus – Diana Rowland
We’re overdue for our first Kiaras Festivus post, folks, so let’s get started! To refresh your memory, this February we’re focusing on three brilliant but under-appreciated authors who have new releases in February and March. This week we’re shining the spotlight on Diana Rowland.
Writer’s Resources for November 4th through November 11th
These are writers’ resource links I’ve found helpful and/or interesting for November 4th through November 11th: Character Physical Description List « Writing and Illustrating – Type M for Murder: Donald Maass on Developing the Hero/Heroine in our novels – StoryBoxSoftware.com – Novel Writing Software – PageFour – Software for Creative Writers and Novelists – Tabbed…
5 Authors I Just Found (Now You Should Too)
Books by: Simon R. Green, Rachel Caine, Devon Monk, T.A. Pratt, Jackie Kessler & Caitlin Kittredge
Another Potter Novel? JK Rowling Says, ‘Maybe’
So if you haven’t heard, JK Rowling has said that she occasionally gets “weak” enough to say yes to an eight Harry Potter novel. She says, however, that any further novels set in the world of Diagon Alley et al. would not focus on Harry himself. Small miracles happen every day, I guess.