Hello from 2017, and holy shit, has the world gotten pretty bad since Jan. 20th, hasn’t it? First of all: YES, this is bad. This isn’t normal. We are not just being overly dramatic here. Even if you are middle-class and white and think that none of this will affect you — yes, it will….
Tag: fandom
Review: The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy by Sam Maggs
Geekdom has been both horrible and wonderful for geek girls lately, as the culture shifts from the white, cis, het, male norm to something a lot more inclusive. We’re not there yet, but with the help of the internet, fandom is becoming a far more inclusive place than it was fifty, twenty, or even ten…
Authors Welcome
I don’t often weigh in on the various dramas in book blogging fandom. Most of the time, I don’t care enough to get involved. This is my space, and seeing as how it’s a very small one, the drama doesn’t tend to make it here. In this case, however, I have something to say. The…