This is one of my favorite series, and the duo of (Wellington) Books and (Eliza) Braun is just delightful, both in reading and in wordplay. I love the gender reversal of the male main character being the “Books” and the leading lady being the “Braun”. Sure, it would have been delicious (for a while at…
Tag: favorites
Review: Sparrow Hill Road by Seanan McGuire
Sparrow Hill Road has a unique format, in that it is more of a collection of shorts with most of the same characters and an overall theme than it is a linear book. This is mostly, I think, because the book started out as a series of shorts. However, I think the format is also a…
Blog Tour Review & Giveaway! Stone Cold by Devon Monk
I don’t know what to tell you except I loved this book. Okay, so I’m still a little bit traumatized by That Thing that happened in the first book, which, if it could have been overcome or maybe not happened so that Shame could’ve had a happier ending, I would have loved. I know I’m…
A Not-Really Review of The Ocean at the End of the Lane
Warning: There will be vague spoilers in this post. I will put them under a spoiler cut for the blog, but if you are reading this elsewhere (via RSS) then you might want to skip this until you’ve read the book. This is going to be more of a reaction piece than an actual review,…
The Power of Reading or What Might Be the First Fantasy Book I Ever Read
This may be the very first Fantasy-with-a-capital-F book I ever read on my own. The Blurb Shelley and her younger brother, Georgie, are getting worried! They made up a game–an elaborate series of athletic “trials”–to cheer up their little sister, Lucy, who’s recovering from a bad illness, and now she’s getting all weird about it….