Day 19 – Best ensemble of characters in a book A pack of werewolves. Mac, bar-keep and brewer of beer. The Summer and Winter Queens of the Fae. Thomas, an Incubus/Vampire. Molly, the plucky apprentice. Mouse the dog, Mister the cat, Bob the skull. Susan , half-vampire. Karrin, police detective. Harry, professional wizard. And a…
Tag: favorites
Reading Meme – Day Eighteen
Day 18 – Favorite book cover I don’t really pay too much attention to covers, since it’s the stuff inside that I’m after. These covers, however, are fascinating.
Reading Meme – Day Seventeen
Day 17 – Favorite trilogy or tetralogy I think you could probably guess my answer after sixteen days of this.
Reading Meme – Day Sixteen
Day 16 – Your guilty pleasure book This is a pretty tough choice, since I don’t consider any book “guilty”, no matter how pleasurable it may be. Although I suppose that I must say that audio books in general are my “guilty” pleasure, as I enjoy listening to them at my job while I’m working….
Reading Meme – Day Fifteen
Day 15 – Favorite female character Moiraine Damodred Anything else I can say would not do her justice.