For the past few weeks, I’ve been trading writing prompts with a friend (who shall remain nameless until such a time as she lets me know she’d like to be revealed). Every other week, we exchange a prompt as a challenge and write a short story. We then trade the stories for critique. I have…
Tag: process
Writer’s Resources for November 4th through November 11th
These are writers’ resource links I’ve found helpful and/or interesting for November 4th through November 11th: Character Physical Description List « Writing and Illustrating – Type M for Murder: Donald Maass on Developing the Hero/Heroine in our novels – – Novel Writing Software – PageFour – Software for Creative Writers and Novelists – Tabbed…
NaNoWriMo: Are You a Plotter or a Pantser?
So pretty soon it will be October 1st, which is the day that the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) forums reset for the 2010 challenge. That means it’s time now to start thinking about this year’s NaNovel. Once the forums reset, we’ll all have 1 month to brace ourselves for the writing whirlwind. What is…
Writer’s Resources for September 21st through September 23rd
These are my links for September 21st through September 23rd: The Swivet [Colleen Lindsay]: Guest blog: Agent Marlene Stringer talks about author self-promotion. – Seven Ways to Write a Book Faster – The Cuckleburr Times – Jordan McCollum – mysteries to fall in love with, romance to keep you in suspense – Writer’s Resources –…