I think Helen Lowe has given us a unique new twist on the old “coming of age” fantasy trope and I can’t wait to see what else she’s going to do with it. Not only that, but now that I know from her website that she’s also a poet, I understand the beautiful imagery of this novel. The language here is gorgeous and unobtrusive.
Tag: Reviews
Review: Mercy Blade by Faith Hunter
If you want a peek into the world of an extraordinary, supernatural woman with real flaws, then I’d urge you to give Jane a chance.
Not Another Year End Post
Not Another Teen Movie One of Those Year-End Posts Well, yes – this is one, but it’s me, so we’ll all hope together that it’s at least entertaining. So, 2010 is drawing to a close and, according to the Mayan Calendar Fruitcakes, we’re all going to die in less than 2 years. So everyone had…
Review: Married with Zombies
If you loved Shaun of the Dead the same way I did, then Married With Zombies is just the Christmas read you need.
BzzAgent Product Reviews for May/June
I’ve never done this before at Waiting for Fairies, but I figure – Hey, it’s my blog! I can do what I want!