This novel is a meal of a mystery wrapped in a thriller with a heavy spice of Female Rage. … And if you’re a woman Of A Certain Age… being made to feel useless… Who hasn’t wanted to respond to all of that by murdering the shit out of the people who make you feel that way?
Tag: Reviews
Review: The Bone Maker by Sarah Beth Durst
I finally did it, you guys. I finally finished a Sarah Beth Durst novel! This is not the author’s fault. The publisher has been sending me ARCs of her books for a while now. I received the entire Queens of Renthia trilogy, plus an eARC of Race the Sands. I just couldn’t get into the…
Review: The Princess Beard by Delilah S Dawson & Kevin Hearne
The Tales of Pell series is obviously a string of parodies, and this one is just as obviously a play on The Princess Bride. I certainly enjoyed the first book in the series, titled Kill the Farm Boy. The second book, No Country for Old Gnomes, failed to capture my interest and I didn’t finish…
New ARCs
The ARC fairy has been kind to me lately. Here are some of the ones I’ve received recently.
Review: Kill the Farm Boy by Delilah Dawson & Kevin Hearne
If you’ve read a lot of epic fantasy, you know a lot of tropes. Well, this book is what you’ve been reading for. You’ll take great pleasure in checking each trope off your list as it’s twisted over and turned on its head (and then kicked in its upturned pants for good measure). You’ll snort…