All in all, big thumbs up for this device. This skeptic has been completely sold on the concept. I can’t wait to start moving a big part of my collection from hard copy to digital.
Tag: technology
WordPress Multi Site Domain Mapping on Shared Hosting
Before you start, you’ll need: WordPress installed in your root directory. To follow these directions from the Codex to enable Multi-Site. The WordPress MU Domain Mapping Plugin – trunk version – from step 1 of this tutorial. Follow the instructions for steps 1-3 there to enable the plugin and get it working. Step #4 is…
Kindle 2 Controversy
So there seems to be some trouble brewing for Amazon’s Kindle 2. One of the features on the newest version of Amazon’s e-book reader is a text-to-audio function. Now, I’m assuming that the K2 uses a robot voice to read the text, but maybe someone in the know could enlighten us? In any case, the…